INDÉPENDANTS が入っている1928ビルは、昭和2年(1928年)、建築家武田五一の設計で毎日新聞社京都支局ビルとして建築され、現在は近代建築遺産として京都市登録有形文化財に指定されています。竣工から70年後の1998年、新聞社の移転に伴い文化的拠点としてリノベーションされ、「1928 ビル」と改称されました。
当店は、長年廃墟同然だった地階を多くのアーティストたちが創建当時の姿に復元、そこに新たな装いをまとって1998年6月に誕生しました。そして2019年11月からはINDÉPENDANTS (アンデパンダン)としてリニューアルオープンいたしました。
- 1928年竣工
- 毎日新聞社京都支局(旧京都大毎会館)
- 1983年6月
- 京都市登録有形文化財に登録
- 1996年11月
- 同時代ギャラリー グランドオープン
- 1998年6月
- Café Indépendantsオープン
- 1999年12月
- ビル名「1928ビル」に改称

スペインで2002年に発刊された『Cafes – Designers & Design: Designer and Design Hardcover 』は、コーヒーの歴史と世界中のカフェを取り上げた一冊です。その中で、日本から唯一INDÉPENDANTS (アンデパンダン)が紹介されました。
Walking into the Café Indépendants, visitors are submerged, both by art and by magic, in another age, as if they had crossed the time barrier and returned to the 1940s.Located in one of the most central areas of Kyoto, Japan, the premises of what is today a café are on the site of a 1928 building by one of the most representative figures of modern Japanese architecture, Tekeda Goichi. This building was originally the headquar- ters of a newspaper, but was abandoned and with the passage of time fell nearly into ruins.
Artist Oyama Ikko, who opposed the building’s demolition, installed an art gallery on the first floor. He teamed up with architect Wakabayashi Hiroyuki and the two rehabili- tated the structure, considered as national patrimony, and transformed it into a space for art, leisure, and culture. Later, the third and fourth floors were renewed so as to organize performances and art exhibitions. Currently, the second floor houses a restaurant and the basement the café.
The project was set up to create a welcoming space where the idea of freedom reigned and an eclectic feel of past and present merged. The name of the café, in fact, a French term, has a more than clarifying meaning: “free exhibit”, “free of judgment”, and this is what is desired by the space in question.
The basement interior was totally dilapidated. When the conversion got under way, with the prime aim of keeping everything possible from the original space, there appeared from under the floors and walls a series of paintings and mosaics done in the 1940s. These have now been cleaned and restored,
If there is a word that best defines the aesthetics and the architectural and decorative problem-solving used here, that word is recycling: taking maximum advantage of the original to bring about an attractive combination of styles and trends.(引用元)Cafes – Designers & Design: Designer and Design Hardcover
